Spendfox - Expense, Client and Invoice Management

Project information

  • Category: Web Development
  • Project date: September, 2018
  • Tech Stack: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS
  • Project URL: https://www.spendfox.com

Spendfox is a modern expense management and ERP system with Invoicing and many more awesome features. Spenfox is built on a secure server using the latest coding languages for a fast workflow. Our developer made this simple and easy to use by keeping the trending concept in mind. You can use it as a personal expense management system or a full-fledged company ERP. Spendfox comes with all common tools and features which are used in most businesses. You don’t need to buy a secure server and pay for hosting and maintenance. We take care of all things from updates to security. Most of the software out there in the market is very difficult. Some even need a separate manager to manage the account. As our concept is simple and straight- forward. We designed Spendfox in a way that most of the users can simply launch their private system within five minutes without any software knowledge. Spendfox is best for working professionals to Micro, small scale businesses.